Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sandy neck hike

July,16,09: We Began the hike at around 6:00PM when we got there by car and it was very foggy and dark. we hike for about three hours before we asked some guys in a summer home if a certain path would lead to our campsite and they pointed us in the right direction. the new scouts were having trouble keeping up because their parent's had unfortunately packed their bags for them and had made them to heavy so we had to stop every once in a while so they could catch their breath. we had hiked three miles to get their but it was in the deep sand so the older scouts and I helped everyone sit up their tents for the night.

July, 17,09: we got up at around 7:00AM and the patrols cooked breakfast and we went clamming at around 8:30AM because the tied had gone out and we thought we could get something.We stopped trying to get anything at around 9:30AM so instead we had two of our older scouts create an orienteering course that the patrols had to complete in a certain time in order to get a prize. All the patrols had finished the orienteering course at around 12:30PM then we hiked three miles to a light house and then walked the three miles back after we ate lunch at around 3:30PM.We got back to the campsite at around 5:30PM and we all cooked dinner and played on the beach until 8:30PM. Then we went to sleep and all got up at around 7:00AM after we ate we hiked back to the parking lot on the beach shore so that the sand would be hard and it would not be such a strenuous route. The new scouts had a really hard time because their gear did not get spread around evenly so they ended up carrying more than they should have so we had to go slow. we got back to the parking lot at about 11:00AM and then the parents came and picked up their kids.

I feel that I had fulfilled my goal for the weekend because i had helped the new scouts get through their first hike and had helped them complete it.

Now playing: Stephen Lynch - Craig (Live)
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