Thursday, October 22, 2009

SOI meeting 10/22/09

today we discussed whether or not we were going to have a giant food extravaganza after midterms or before thanksgiving vacation. We contributed by giving ideas on the time and classroom on where to have it. I feel this is a good idea because it will get students more interested in organic food.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Soi Bake sale 10/09/09

we had planned to sell goods today and we did. i was a part of the selling force while some of the others were in charge of getting the food.i had to meet the other sellers at break right next ot the stairs and attempt to sell tea and browines. lukily we were able sell $25.00 worth of tea and snacks. this is good because we had not sold all of our supply so we were able to make a profit and not have to restock.